Monday, July 2, 2007


If you are a website owner, big or small, with web traffic or no traffic at all,
then this program can do wonders for you.

The name of this program is bucks4banners.
You need to put their three 468x60 banners into the three different pages of your website, that's all.
For this you'll get paid 5 GBP (10 $) per month as long as you keep their three banners in your site. No minimum number of clicks needed, no traffic required, no questions asked.
What's more you'll also get paid 10 GBP (20 $) extra bonus just for signing up
and those just within 36 hours.

Look at the screenshot proof of my PayPal account.

click the image to have a bigger look.

on signing up you' ll be asked the url's of your three pages of your website and your email address and some basic information. The three url's must be from same domain name.

Within 36 hours you'll get confirmation email from them with three simple html codes to be put on your those 3 pages.
As soon as you put those three codes in those three pages their three
468x60 banners will be live in your site.
and you'll be sent extra bonus 10 GBP (20 $) within 12 hours :).
And you will forever keep on getting 5 GBP (10 $) every month as long as you keep thier three
banners in your site.

what's more -- once you are a member you can add as many sites as you want in your account. Three banners to be put on each site
and you'll recieve 5 GBP (10 $) every month for every site each.

Can there be more riskfree program than this ?
what are you thinking ? JOIN BUCKS FOR BANNERS NOW

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