Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Blogging is writting some review about anything. Anything means anything.
You can write about some product or your cooking experince or how to name your pet etc.
Blogging is a very effective way to earn money. Most webmasters usually under estimate the power of blogging. But a good blog can work wonders.

Many sites are providing blogging facilities for free. The most common and famous are Blogger and wordpress.
Bloggers write reviews and display their adsense ads along with them. When people visit their blogs and click their ads in curiosity, bloggers harvest money.
It is no wonder that good bloggers are earning thousand dollars per month from a good blog.

For a successful blog you have to work continuously on your blog. Add fresh quality posts in your blog at least twice a month. Your blog should be useful enough for the readers. Your blog should be based on some theme. For example you can start a blog about movie reviews. You can add posts about new releases every month as well as you can write about actors and actoresses.

Another aspect of blogging is to get traffic. Your blog will earn zero if no people visit it, so you need to build traffic. Search engines are the most effective way to attract web traffic.
You need to submit your blog to search engines like google, yahoo, msn. Most people use these search engines to look for informations they need. Search engines love fresh contents and regular updates. If you update your blog with new posts frequently there are very chances of your blog appearing in first few pages of google search. To attract viewers you can add pictures to your blog; and obviously the picture should be related to your blog topic.

The one million dollar question is where to put ads in the blog. The proved places are top left navigation, above main body and below main body. If your blog is long enough and needs scrolling then you may put your ads in between for better rewards. Usually square sized ads perform better than banner ads, i prefer to use 250x250, 336x280 and 300x250.

Google adsense puts some limitations about how many maximum ad units you can put in your page. Presently it is max 3 ad units, 1 link unit, two referral buttons and two search boxes per page. You should not exceed this limlit.

These are some basic concepts to start and maintain a good blog.

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